Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Conjugating Spanish Verbs in the Conditional Tense
Conjugating Spanish Verbs in the Conditional Tense The conjugation of the conditional tense is fairly straightforward, because all three types of verbs (-ar, -er and -ir) use the same ending, and the ending is applied to the infinitive rather than to a portion of the verb. Also, there are few irregular verbs in the conditional. These are the endings that are applied to turn an infinitive to a verb in the conditional tense: First-person singular (I): -à aSecond-person singular (familiar you): -à asThird-person singular (he, she, formal you): -à aFirst-person plural (we): -à amosSecond-person plural (familiar you): -à aisThird-person plural (they, familiar you): -à an As an example, here are the conjugated forms of vivir (to live) using the same pattern as is applied to all regular verbs. Yo vivirà a, I would liveTà º vivirà as, you (informal singular) would liveUsted, à ©l, ella vivirà a, you (formal singular), he, she would liveNosotros, nosotras vivirà amos, we would liveVosotros, vosotras vivirà ais, you (informal plural) would liveEllos, ellas ustedes vivirà an, they, you (plural formal) would live You may notice that the endings attached to the infinitives are the same as the endings of haber in the imperfect, just as the endings attached to infinitives to make the future tense are the same as the endings of haberà (but with added accent marks) in the present tense. And theres another similarity with the future tense: Some verbs are irregular in the future tense in that the ending is attached to a variation of the stem rather than to the infinitive. The same verbs that are irregular in the future tense are irregular in the conditional, and in the same way. So just as the first-person future of tener is tendrà © instead of tenerà ©, the first-person conditional of tener is tendrà a instead of tenerà a. The same pattern is followed for the other persons, with this being the full conjugation of tener in the conditional: tendrà a, tendrà as, tendrà a, tendrà amos, tendrà ais, tendrà an. Common Verbs With Irregular in the Conditional Here are the most common verbs that are irregular in the conditional: Caber (to fit): cabrà a, cabrà as Decir (to say): dirà a, dirà as Haber (to have): habrà a, habrà as Hacer (to do or make): harà a, harà asPoder (to be able): podrà a, podrà as Poner (to put): pondrà a, pondrà as Querer (to want): querrà a, querrà as Saber (to know): sabrà a, sabrà asSalir (to leave): saldrà a, saldrà as Valer (to be worth): valdrà a, valdrà as Venir (to come): vendrà a, vendrà as The other verbs that are irregular in the conditional are based on these verbs. For example, proponer follows the pattern of poner, and deshacer follows the pattern of hacer. Finally, here are some examples of sentences using the conditional: Te amarà a si supiera tu nombre. I would love you if I knew your name.No comprarà amos tantas cosas. We would never buy so many things.Si me preguntan, yo dirà a que lo mejor es decir no. If they ask me, I would say that the best thing is to say no.Nos decà an que no saldrà amos vivos. They told us we would not leave alive.Si recomendaran mi libro à ¿lo leerà an ustedes? If they were to recommend my book, would you read it?
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